
here's the deal.

i like to cook things. i like to take pictures.
on the internet, lots of people cook things and then take pictures of them.

and philosophize.

a lot of times these foods are made with meat, truffle oil, and olives.
these are all things that i can't reconcile, afford, or have a taste for.

therefore, i am about to embark on such a journey.

my goals: healthy, cheap, and fresh.

i don't expect things to work all of the time, i don't expect for there to be batteries in the house at any given time (and therefore i don't expect to photograph foods assembled at said times), i don't expect to hit all 3 goals in every dish.

i do expect to learn. lots.
thanks for coming along.


1 comment:

S N B said...

You go, girl!
It looks yummy!And yes, he was raised on pizza!---and grits!!